Align Your Privacy Policy to GDPR with Our Step-by-Step Guide
If achieving GDPR compliance is on your roadmap, you now know that part of that initiative requires updating the company’s Privacy Policy. Updating the Privacy Policy is one of The 10 GDPR Components. However, you may not know how to tackle this step. You may be asking yourself the following questions:
Where do I start? And what steps do I need to follow?
You value your time and don’t want to be spinning wheels here. There are other priorities you need to get to, and you’re looking for a step-by-step guide to follow.
Who in my team needs to be involved?
You may not know if it makes sense to involve half of your team, only pull in Legal Counsel, or something in between. This is on your mind, because you want to get this done, but only want to pull those that are absolutely needed.
What information do I need to have ready here?
You have lots of knowledge of the business, how things work, and the overall customer experience. Some of this information may be documented, but we both know that most of the details sit in different brains and we need to tap into that.
We Solve This Problem with Our Privacy Policy GDPR Alignment Checklist
“I can search for this information online, how will this help me?” You’re right, the internet holds lots of information. There is so much information from different sources, that it may start to feel like noise. Leverage our past experience in reviewing and refreshing Privacy Policies for other data privacy laws, standards, and frameworks. The Privacy Policy GDPR Alignment Checklist will 1) teach you the steps you need to take to kickoff and complete this step and 2) identify the pieces of information you need to gather to execute this correctly the first time.
“What do I need to know before I purchase this resource? How will I know it will work for me?” It’s important that you know these facts upfront:
*This resource is not a Privacy Policy template. A Privacy Policy is a legal document that carries significant weight. It sets expectations with customers and those that are considering to work with you. Your company is expected to stand by every item in your Privacy Policy. In the event of a data privacy inquiry from a customer, partner, or regulator, you will be held accountable to what your Privacy Policy reads. For that reason, we advise that companies work with their trusted Legal Counsel to craft a customized Privacy Policy. A free or purchased Privacy Policy introduces a Legal risk that may hurt your company down the road.
*This resource assumes that you will engage your Legal Counsel to help you refresh your Privacy Policy. Your Legal Counsel is probably helping you with other pressing items, like assessing an important transaction, reviewing contracts, or handling a time-sensitive Legal matter. Their ability to support a Privacy Policy refresh will depend on their familiarity with GDPR and understanding of your company’s current operations, systems, and data flow. Cut down on the emails and meetings for this initiative and have all this information ready and organized for them.
*This resource assumes that you have (or will) completed a Data Inventory. GDPR hinges on the data that your company holds. GDPR compliance efforts will vary from company to company, and it depends on the type of data your company holds, how the data is obtained, how the data is used, and the level of data sharing in place. The Data Inventory is the first step that *all* companies need to complete. This is the critical step that determines what your GDPR compliance efforts needs to include. Our Privacy Policy GDPR Alignment Checklist relies on information from the Data Inventory. We have a Free Data Inventory Course, if you need help with this.
“I’m not sure what to expect this to look like, can you share a preview?” Absolutely! Check out our free checklist and worksheet previews.
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*Photo by delfi de la Rua on Unsplash